This is a basic guide on how to use the Swedish Golf Federation(SGF) web platform, www.golf.se
You can get your HCP certification, change password, etc. If you have any questions regarding the guide or other things concerning your profile send, us a e-mail at info@swedishgolfalliance.com and we will answer your questions as fast as possible. In this guide, you will learn:

How to get your HCP certificate
Step 1
Start of by log in to www.golf.se (the website for the Swedish Golf Federation) This page is unfortunately only available in Swedish.
Click on Min Golf (My Golf) and you will be directed to the log in form.
Step 2
To log in type in your Golf-ID and then your Password (Lösenord). Step 3
You are now log in to your profile. Here you can find information about your name, HCP, Club and e-mail address.
Step 4
To find your HCP certificat click on Min handicap (My Handicap).
Step 5
This shows your HCP statistics. To be directed to your HCP certificate click on Handicapbevis (My HCP certificate).
Step 6
This is your HCP certificate. You can save it or print it. It’s always good to show this certificate in at the caddy master or reception on the club where you what to play. If you print the certificate make sure you sign with your signature. Good luck!
Forgot your password?
Step 1
Start of by log in to www.golf.se (the website for the Swedish Golf Federation) This page is unfortunately only available in Swedish.Click on Min Golf (My Golf) and you will be directed to the log in form.
Step 2
Click on Glömt Lösenord? (Forgot you password).Step 3
Enter your Golf-ID - Enter your e-mail - Click on Beställ (Order)The e-mail address must be the same e-mail address that you used when you registered for the membership. If you don’t remember e-mail address or want to change send us an e-mail: info@swedishgolfalliance.com and we will update your profile. Good luck!
How to change your password on Min Golf (My Golf)
Step 1
Start of by log in to www.golf.se (the website for the Swedish Golf Federation) This page is unfortunately only available in Swedish.
Click on Min Golf (My Golf) and you will be directed to the log in form.
Step 2
To log in type in your Golf-ID and then your Password (Lösenord). Step 3
You are now log in to your profile. Here you can find information about your name, HCP, Club and e-mail address.
Step 4
You are now log in to your profile. Here you can find information about your name, HCP, Club and e-mail address.
To find your settings and change your password click on Mina Inställningar (My Pages).
Step 5
Click on Mitt Konto (My Settings).
Step 6
Click on Ändra lösenord (Change password).
Change your password in the form by typing in:
Gammalt lösenord (Old password).
Nytt lösenord (New password).
Upprepa lösenord (Repeat password).